We believe that fees in legal services must be transparent. You should know how much you’ll pay from the outset.
Consequently, you’ll find here the guidelines for our fee structure. Depending on the case, not all fees can be anticipated. But at the very least we’ll endeavour to offer an accurate estimate.
Anyway, remember, a preliminary study of your case will always be free. You only pay upon agreeing on our proposed plan and services.
Fixed fee services
Some of our service carry a fixed fee. These are guaranteed fees that by no means will be increased. We’ll let you know the exact fee after considering your case and you can rest assured that is all you’ll pay.
An example of fixed fees services are those related to visas, residence applications, etc.
Fixed fee + commission services
These carry both a fixed fee and a percentage base on certain values. For example, in a claim for damages we will charge a fixed fee plus a certain percentage of the amount you are awarded. No award of damages? Then you just pay the fixed fee.
The variable fee will depend on the amount claimed and the complexity of the case, but rest assured we will let you know beforehand.
Legal expenses
Besides our own fees, it may be necessary to pay the fees for other professionals who must be involved in your case. For example, in many instances there is a legal requirement that a “procurador” represents a lawyer’s clients in communications with the court. Also, there might be court fees involved.
These are third party fees that we cannot control. Yet we will endeavour to let you know when these apply and offer you at least an estimate of costs.